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Catch the MICE at IBTM


Last week, Stuart hosted another epic Catch The MICE #MICEClub excursion – this time to IBTM Events in one of our favourite cities – Barcelona.

We were joined by leading UK and Ireland buyers, all keen to network, meet new contacts and share experiences as we all adapt to new ways of delivering events in this different #events world we live in. #virtualevents #hybridevents #inpersonevents

good, the bad and the quite frankly outrageous!

There is lots more to come about our trip, but I must thank Renaissance Barcelona Hotel, especially Ignasi and Mireia for their amazing support, as well as Mathew and Sam for just one heck of a party at Hard Rock International #GuestList #Networking

If anyone wants to join us and network in the future, follow CatchTheMICE – all followers will have the opportunity to join #MICEClub when we officially launch in the new year.

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